Natalie In Panama – Week 7

  It was still stressful this week. But the good thing was that Cambronero could actually walk! Woohoo! I have my companion back! This biggest thing this week is that we have had so many meetings. Tuesday we went to the temple. That was awesome. As soon as I walked into the temple all the…

Natalie In Panama – Week 6

My companion, Cambronero, had to go to the clinic last week for an infection. The doctor told her that she had to have a week of no work and had to go to the clinic every day to get a shot for an antibiotic. So, that meant a week of no work. That really made me…

Natalie In Panama – Week 4/5

First, here is the most famous photo in the world:   Yes, that is our own Hermana Natalie Palmer at the Mexico City MTC, as shown during General Conference on Saturday October 5 – also Mom’s birthday. Now on to Natalie’s adventures! ——–——————————————————————- So, this week was interesting. I don’t even remember everything that happened.…

Natalie In Panama – Week 3

So this week has also been kind of crazy, but I think every week in the mission is probably kind of crazy. P-day last week was fun. We played games at the stake center as a zone.  Then Cambronero and I went to the Bishop’s house for dinner. I taught the nine year old daughter…